C# on Linux exists for a long time, but many users are unaware of this. The languages that are used most today on Linux are still C, C++ and various scripting languages Python, Perl and Ruby. Miguel de Icaza, the founder of the Gnome Desktop, was the one who aimed to develop an open, crossplatform C# compiler and Common Language Runtime for Linux, Unix and macOS in 2001. The results suceeded in 2004 in the Mono Project1, which is an open implementation of ECMA-334 Standard2 which defines the C# language itself and the ECMA-335 Standard3 which defines a Common Language Infrastructure for different languages, such as C#.
[Read More]About programming languages, software development, Open Source software and retro-computing. Beside the mainstream.
Atari 130XE - Teil 1
Anfang der 90’er Jahre bin ich mit einem C64 groß geworden - mein großer Bruder hatte ihn von irgendwoher mitgebracht - und war vom ersten Tag an gefesselt von dieser kleinen Maschine.
[Read More]Why I use Object Pascal
Pascal is considered by many programmers as an old language from the past. And although it is in fact one of the older programming languages, it has greatly evolved into a modern, full featured language over the last decades.
[Read More]Hugo, GitHub and forestry.io
To set up my personal Github pages, I decided to use a static site stack - sometimes called the JAMStack.
The idea is, instead of using a huge and slow CMS like WordPress or Drupal, to build a whole site of only static HTML and asset files. Neither the dynamic, server side rendering of the pages, nor a database is required.
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